Monday, June 28, 2010
Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle in east Jerusalem resurrect the Israeli radicals
The National Committee to Resist the Wall in Beit Jala invites you to the weekly demonstration this Sunday 27.6 2010 at 11:30 AM in the town of Beit Jala. Please spread the word and come join us to stop the bulldozers destroying Palestinian lands. Your presence supports the struggle for peace and justice.
Main public radio channel reported as usual about clashes between protesters and state forces with three arestees as bonus.
Around 30 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals demonstrated against the building of the Wall in Beit Jala. Israeli soldiers blocked the march with barbwire; a few people managed to bypass the Israeli soldiers but they were then violently pushed back. The Israeli soldiers violently arrested three demonstrators that refused to leave. Concussion grenades and tear gas canisters were thrown directly at the crowd and nearby houses. At distance, bulldozers were seen continuing their work, paving the route of the Wall just a few meters from Palestinian homes.
We have been invited to a meeting in beit umar tonight (Thursday). If you can go please let me know.
The Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall (AAtW) are invited to the village of Beit Ommar tomorrow for the weekly demonstration against the wall and the occupation. The courageous people of Beit Omar request that as many people as possible will participate in the demo. If you wish to come please contact
This Saturday an expanded demonstration in Beit Ommar is planned, with a message about increasing international condemnation of Israel's Occupation, particularly regarding settlements.
Please join the National Committee of Beit Ommar, PSP and locals this Saturday at 10am (please plan on getting to the village 15 minutes early to arrange for transportation to the demonstration location). At least a car of Israelis (two would be great!) would be needed.
Last week, the group of about 30 people was prevented from even reaching the fence around Karmei Tsur, where the demonstration was to take place, and 2 Israeli activists were arrested, released after a few hours.
PLEASE NOTE: we have gone to great lengths to promote a positive image of International and Israeli activists in this relatively skeptical community. Please respect the work that has been done in this regard and dress appropriately for a Muslim village: pants that go down to your ankles and shirts that don't show your cleavage or your ass crack (it is preferred that women wear shirts with sleeves that go down to their elbows).
Protest: Hotel Dan Panorama, Charles Clore Park/10 Kaufman Street, Tel Aviv Wednesday 1PM sharp.
"About 200 participants from 42 member states of the Kimberley Process Forum arrived at Tel Aviv’s Hotel Dan Panorama this morning, for the opening of the Kimberley Process Conference, hosted by Israel which holds the forum’s rotating chair position this year. In 2003, the World Diamond Council introduced a system of self-regulation called the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme to stem the flow of "conflict" or "blood diamonds." In keeping with the limited concerns of the WDC the UN-mandated Kimberly Process adopted a very narrow definition of what constitutes a conflict or blood diamond: "rough diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflict aimed at undermining legitimate governments." As a result of this tight ring-fencing, the much more lucrative trade in cut and polished diamonds avoids the human rights strictures applying to rough diamonds, provided the industry uses only Kimberly Process-compliant rough diamonds. Regardless of the human rights violations and atrocities funded by revenue from the Israeli diamond industry, governments and other vested interests party to the Kimberly Process facilitate the unrestricted access of diamonds crafted in Israel to the multi-billion dollar global diamond market. The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme strictures only apply to rough diamonds, thus allowing diamonds crafted in Israel to freely enter the market regardless of the criminal actions of the Israeli government and armed forces. The Kimberly Process is seriously flawed and is being used by the diamond industry and jewelers to pull the wool over consumers' eyes by telling them that all diamonds are now "conflict free" without explaining the limitations and exactly what that means. The high-value end of the diamond industry is the main artery of the Israeli economy, accounting for more than 30 percent of Israel's total manufacturing exports worth nearly $20 billion in 2008. By comparison, the budget for Israel's Ministry of Defense was $16 billion in 2008. Revenue from the diamond industry helps fund Israel's illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, its brutal subjugation of the Palestinian people and its international network of saboteurs, spies and assassins. None of this is alluded to in the WDC's "Diamond Facts."
Tomorrow’s protest (Wednesday) is to bring attention to the exemption of Israel in the Kimberley Process and to shame the World Diamond Council into broadening its paradigms and include this area of bloody conflict.
Friday demo
About 100 demonstrators - including Israelis of the AAtW and international activists marched from the center of the village chanting for Palestinian Resistance to occupation and the release of all prisoners, slogans condemning the aggression of settler colonialist in Jerusalem, against the policy of exclusion and deportation, and the siege on the Gaza Strip.
When the march arrived at the gate of the route of the separation fence the military force of the Israeli occupation army was waiting as usual behind the concrete blocks on the hill - some dozen meters behind the fence. (With closed gate in the barrier with barbed wire "protecting" them.) When the demonstrators tried to cross towards the land they own, behind the fence, the army fired tear gas canisters, sound bombs and coated metal bullets. Then the soldiers crossed the fence chasing the fleeing demonstrators up to the outskirts of the village, wounding a university lecturer Radwan Yassin (50 year) hand with a tear gas canister. Dozens of others inhaled high dozes of tear gas. Fires resulted from the gas canisters damaged the near by olive orchards.
Since the early morning volunteer group of young men and women within the project partnership for development cooperation with Alhadaf cultural center in Bil'in draw approximately 25 murals in the village, giving a distinctive aesthetic character of the village.
Israel Putermam video Bil'in 25-6-10
The weekly Demonstration moves to Silwan
Solidarity with Silwan – No to house demolitions!
This week the Jerusalem Municipality approved a plan to build a tourist site in the neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem that foresees the demolition of 22 Palestinian homes for its realisation. This project is just another way to take over Palestinian lands and to increase Jewish presence in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan.
The residents of Silwan, together with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah, decided to organize this week's demonstration against illegal settlements in East Jerusalem in Silwan. We will stand in solidarity with those whose houses are slated for demolitions and dozens of families at risk of displacement.
We will meet in Giva'ati parking lot (across the street from 'City of David') at 16:00
There will be a meeting point at the Jerusalem Cinematheque (Hebron Road) at 15:30
Transportation from Tel Aviv will leave from Arlozerov bus station at 14:30
This Friday afternoon we walked, bout five hundreds of Palestinians, Israeli (about 100 mobilized from Tel Aviv, and dozens [including me] came from earlier Friday demos), and International activists, in Silwan to protest against the decision to demolish 22 houses, and against the Israeli policy of violence and theft in east Jerusalem. The demo was very strong and powerful. Speeches have been made, slogans shouted and samba drummed. One settler threw a few small stones at us, and no one was injured.
This was the largest demo in Silwan in the last few years. And it came instead of the weekly SJ demo.
Israel Putermam video Silwan 25-6-10
DAHMASH (between Lod and Ramle)
There was a good meeting tonight at the tent in Dahamash .
I just wanted to update that 3 major demos are planned for early July:
5.07 - in front of the district planing committee in ramle, while they will be discussing the building plans submitted by the popular committee.
10.07 - huge demo with a music event (during a very cool simmer camp we are planning these days for the Dahamash kids) against the approaching house demolitions
14.07 - in front of the court hearing on the demolitions orders
more info to come in the next days Y.
Hebron – Ma’an – Israeli forces forcefully shut down a protest Saturday in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron, onlookers said.
Demonstrators chanting slogans in Arabic, Hebrew, and English called on Israel to reopen Shuhada Street to Palestinians.
The army prevented the Palestinian and international activists from reaching the road, which was closed for about an hour.
David Reeb video of 27 Jun 2010
In Ma'asara a smaller than usual demonstration of some 30 people made an unprecedented achievement, and made it all the way from the village, over the route of the wall, and onto the entrance to the illegal settlement of Efrat. At the gate, they were attacked by tens of soldiers, who pushed them all the way back to the route of the fence. Once there, and joined by twenty more people who had just finished demonstrating in neighboring Wadi Rahal, demonstrators decided to be content with what they had achieved, and returned to the village.
Some eighty Palestinians, Israelis and internationals demonstrated today (Friday) against the fence in the village of Wadi Rahal, south of Bethlehem. The village celebrated the completion of one month of popular resistance, and is planning to proceed with the struggle.
Demonstrations in Wadi Rahal were launched after two years of complete stoppage of fence-construction work in the area, as suicide attacks subsided and Israeli coffers ran out. All that was left of the planned apartheid monster was a new road, meant to serve soldiers patrolling along the barrier, but now serving Palestinians of the region instead. However, recently villagers started receiving new land expropriation warrants, indicating Israeli intentions to restart construction, and leading them on to struggle.
Demonstrators marched from the center of the village to the road on the route of the wall at noon, where soldier where already waiting. The soldiers failed to stop the colorful procession, and retreated, allowing the march to proceed on the road. At some point the soldiers stopped, declared the area a closed military zone, and denied further marching. Demonstrators gave speeches in Arabic and English, in spite of threats of arrests, and eventually decided to leave peacefully, only to return the next week once more.
As of next week, the two demonstrators are supposed to be coordinated, so that the Ma'asara one will start right after the Wadi Rahal protest ends.
See Previous reports at:
Monday, June 21, 2010
Palestine-Israel, The joint straggle persist in the "Tsumud" mood of "we will never let go"
"Media: Israeli forces injured eight people on Sunday while breaking up a peaceful demonstration against Israel's separation wall in the West Bank village of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem, according to local news reports.
Three journalists were reportedly among the injured. Palestinian academic and activist Mazin Qumsiyeh said in an email that two teenagers, Mohammed Masalma and Thaer Mahmoud, were beaten by Israeli soldiers using clubs.
Qumsiyeh also released a video showing soldiers roughly treating demonstrators, and also detonating stun grenades and tear gas. Tear gas canisters also set fire to a nearby hillside.
Palestinians in Beit Jala, like several other villages, hold regular demonstrations against the construction of Israel's wall, which snakes through the interior of the West Bank."
We need people to come to Beit Ommar this Saturday at 1:00 for the action. The destination will be determined (between Karmei Tsur and the entrance of the village, NOT blocking the street). The last two weeks an international has been arrested, both while the military was trying to arrest a Palestinian (the second time they succeeded). Those two internationals were then banned from the entire West Bank for the remainder of their visas. Because of the harsh restrictions on internationals being arrested, we are in special need of a few Israeli activists to come. It is possible to attend the Hebron demonstration afterward, they do not conflict and are close to each other.
Saturday - The weekly demonstration in Beit Ommar took place on Saturday within the agricultural lands adjacent to Karmey Tsur settlement, in itself built on the village's lands. As protesters soon found out, army soldiers prevented them from entering a cultivated land of Beit Ommar, declaring it a closed military zone. 2 Israeli protesters were arrested and taken to a police station. Unlike internationals on previous demos, they were released with a 14 day restriction from the Hebron area. Beit Ommar National Committee invites Israeli and international solidarity activists to its actions and demonstrations against the Israeli occupation, settlements, apartheid wall and the economic strangulation of the Palestinian people.
About 50 Palestinians, some 20 Israelis and a somewhat larger number of internationals participated in the weekly demonstration in Bilin against the wall and occupation. Some Israeli activists were stopped at checkpoints on their way and threatened by the army, but were eventually allowed to continue. In Bil'in, the demonstrators marched chanting and singing merry folk songs. They reached the wall, and demonstrated peacefully for a few minutes, occasionally harassed by some tear gas, but not enough to scare them away. Eventually, the shabab, who had enough of the gas, expressed their dismay in the form of stones. The trigger happy soldiers then flooded the area with tear gas, forced in, and started chasing demonstrators. One British demonstrator with a bad knee who breathed in lots of gas couldn't keep up, so she was arrested along with two Israelis who came to help her. The soldiers continued chasing demonstrators all the way to the first homes of the village, but despite their tactic of trying to block the demonstrators' retreat with tear gas, were outrun by demonstrators under the cover of the gas canisters thrown back at them by the shabab. On their way back, one group of Israeli demonstrators was held at a checkpoint for two hours by soldiers who lied to them saying that they called the police to arrest them. The three arrested activists were released on the same day, after meeting with the Palestinian medics arrested in Ni'lin at the police station. Their release conditions will be set in court on Sunday.
Israel Puterman video:
Nissim Mossek video 13th Jun.
Following the solidarity demonstration in Dahmash by the Sheikh Jarrah initiative, dozens of the Dahamsh people came to this Friday demo in Sheikh Jarrah.
HEBRON - South
Nissim Mossek video 12th Jun.
Hebron Saturday
About 100 Palestinians and their international and Israeli supporters gathered next to the closed gates of the Israeli army blockade on Shuhada street in the weekly demonstration in Hebron. After much chanting and singing the protesters attempted to march through the old city allies but were soon blocked by the Israeli soldiers in a move that shows their clear siding with the settlers. The march then went through another way and at a certain point settlers squirted water on the march by a hose, to the sight of the soldiers which were tailing the march and remained still in response.
Some 20 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals marched together in the weekly demonstration against the Wall in Ma'asara. Following a long march in the summer heat through the village streets, demonstrators were surprised NOT to find any soldiers blocking the main road. Proceeding happily towards the village's agricultural lands, demonstrators were suddenly attacked by two soldiers in two army jeeps which came out of nowhere. Soldiers yelled that the area is declared a closed military zone, and started shoving people back.
Only a higher ranking officer who came after a couple of minutes was willing to listen to the demonstrators' demands. Much to their surprise, the officer decided to allow the demonstrators to march on. It's been two and a half years that the army has been stopping the marches in Ma'asara from reaching the route of the Wall, following a year during which all demonstrations took place there.
And so the march went on, walking by the main road, crossing the route of the planned barrier, and holding a small spontaneous rally with speeches on the Palestinian agricultural lands by the illegal settlement of Efrat. Speakers mentioned the uniqueness of the event, and mentioned Hassan Bargia, one of the prominent activists in the village who was arrested in last week's demonstration, and is still held by the army. Following this, demonstrators returned to the village peacefully.
The Israeli AAtW activists continued to the Sheikh Jarrah demonstration.
At today's protest, there was fiery resistance from the village women when Israeli Occupation Forces arrested a young man on the Orwellian accusation that he didn't prevent the shabab from throwing stones at them from his property, the arrest was fiercely resisted with palpable anger and outrage and even when the soldiers had him cocooned in a jeep prior to being carted off to detention and worse, the vehicle was physically prevented from leaving until brutality, percussion grenades and tear gas forced a way. However, there is a happy outcome to this story as the IOF released him shortly afterward to the arms of his joyous wife and villagers. Through out the West Bank and further afield, this tiny village of some 540 souls is now a symbol of awe and respect as it spearheads the nonviolent resistance to the Occupation and continuous theft of lands. Incredibly, all brutal attempts to break this butterfly of courage, this Palestinian Stalingrad on the wheel have been in vain. The latest threat to the village is the recent serving of demolition orders on ten houses adjacent to the illegal "settler" colony of Halamish by the Occupation regime so as to facilitate its cancerous, amoebic spread and eventually do what savage repression can't; break the resistance through ethnic cleansing.
Ni'lin's weekly protest included around 100 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals. Protesters expressed their anger at the theft of their land, some by chanting anti-occupation slogans, and others by throwing stones over the concrete wall. Soldiers fired tear gas canisters at the protesters. Following around two hours of this protest, soldiers crossed the wall and proceeded to arrest five medics belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, and a Palestinian video cameraman. One of the soldiers punched the cameraman and a medic, and another threw a large rock at a radio receiver belonging to the medics. The arrestees were taken to the Shaar Binyamin police station. Two of them were accused of assaulting the police, and four were released. There are several videos of the incident proving that the soldiers were the only violent part of this incident, and these were used when the arrestees were brought to court Sunday, which led to their release.
"It always strikes me how well Israeli activists drive. Of course, there is good reason to be afraid that every minor traffic violation could result in arrest because of political activities. Despite that the car travel to the villages in the West Bank, where the Israeli armed forces routinely fire tear gas and rubber bullets at us, is always the safest part of the journey.
The protests in Nil’in are getting smaller. Five people have died, countless injured, the village is routinely raided by Israeli armed forces looking for children that throw stones and there have been hundreds of arrests. On top of all this, the village has a concrete wall in the middle of their olive and farm grove. While the protest is losing numbers it does continue. On this past Friday, the normal procession of prayers and chants lead to the wall. The first hour was routine with lots of tear gas and some stone throwing. The protest moved along the route of the wall to the edge of a wadi where the wall goes from concrete to barbed wire fence. Groups of Palestinians run after tear gas canisters and try to stop them from discharging. The reusable tear gas canisters are collected and ultimately thrown back over the wall to the great excitement of the Shabab (Arabic for the Palestinian youth stone throwers).
On this day, one of the tear gas canisters thrown back across the wall started a large brush fire. After the fire, the soldiers entered the village with guns draw under the cover tear gas. The protesters had already retreated from the area of the wall leaving only the Red Crescent medical team and one photojournalist slowly making their way back to the village. The soldiers quickly surrounded the medical team with guns pointed at their heads. One soldier took an orange medical stretcher from the hands of a medic, hit him with it and slammed it to the ground destroying it. The camera of a Palestinian photojournalist was destroyed and everyone was handcuffed and lead to the Israeli side of the wall. We learned later that the army is charging the medical staff with assault and as of this writing they are still in an Israeli jail. The IDF has also argued that the medical staff was not clearly marked from the protesters. Yet another surreal observation by the army as the medical were dressed in a full white Red Crescent uniforms and carrying a stretcher which the soldiers used to beat them.
After reviewing the footage from Nil’in in the village we made our way to Nabi Salih to join the weekly protest that has been taking place for the past six months."
David Reeb video at
In Sheikh Jarrah some 350 demonstrators gathered for a festive demonstration against the ongoing home evictions in the neighborhood. The Irish singer Tommy Sun-dance sang his folk songs, local drummers chanted slogans to the Samba beat, and several die-hard football fans sounded the annoying South-African plastic trumpets. Meanwhile, an Italian photographer took portrait pictures of demonstrators, and the a group of residents from Dahamash, a village near Ramle in threat of demolition, came to show their support in the struggle, after Sheikh Jarrah people came to their demonstration in the beginning of the week.
After an hour of fun, the demonstration took a serious turn. The masses started marching towards a new house whose residents received an eviction notice. As the house is in the opposite direction from the ones the police is safeguarding, the march went on peacefully, until police realized what was going on and sent the riot unit to stop the march. After a tense stand off, demonstrators found a way around the police blockade through the narrow paths, and made it to the house, holding a rally there. After this success, the demonstration ended peacefully.
Israel Puterman video:
Meeting today al-walaje
There will be a meeting today (Monday 14-6-10) at 20:00 in the village council of all those who want to take part in organizing demos direct action etc. if you're interested text me
Friday Demonstrations also took place in Wallaje, and Wad Rachal
See Previous reports at:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle expand
Stand Up…and Break the Siege
Call for participation and Support
You are all invited to participate in the first event of the Beiteen Road Campaign. This campaign aims to raise awareness on the Beiteen Road-and eventually open the road- that was closed by Israel. As a result of this closure, thousands of Palestinians are forced each day to take a much longer path to get to their schools, work, hospitals…and are humiliated by occupations’ unjustified and unjust policies.
When? The launching event will take place on Friday June 11th, 2010 after Friday prayer
Where? Deir Dibwan - Beiteen Junction (the original road junction)
A press conference will take place at the meeting point
Your participation is highly essential to voice out our demands and to confront the brutal policies of occupation against our people.
Stand Up…and Break the Siege
11th June 2010-Demonstrators in Bili’in today formed their own Palestine national football team, coinciding with the start of the World Cup, to highlight their right to be an independent nation. The players, together with dozens of other Palestinian, Israeli and international activists, marched to the annexation barrier at the edge of the village, where a goal was constructed and a game was begun. Several footballs were kicked over the separation fence onto land once owned by the village. Israeli soldiers responded to this entirely non-violent activity by firing volleys of tear gas at the participants. They then came through the gate in the fence, and arrested 6 journalists, four of whom were soon released. Two – one Palestinian and one international – remain in detention at the time of writing.
The tear gas canisters fired also caused large fires on the dry ground around the olive trees. Soldiers fired more canisters, aiming for the groups of villagers attempting to put out the flames.
AAtW activists "visited" Ofer military court for solidarity with Adib Abu Rahma and others detained for months as part of the efforts to stop the joint nonviolent struggle against the separation fence in Bil'in and other locations, and occupation.
Many Palestinian, Israeli and international protestors gathered Saturday for the weekly demonstration organized by Youth Against Settlements. The demonstrations call for freedom of movement for Palestinians in Hebron, generally, and specifically for the opening of Shuhada St. The protest began at the Hebron municipality and marched to one end of the closed Shuhada St. At the barrier, participants chanted and held signs in solidarity with the Palestinians living in Hebron.
During the protest, settlers gathered to harass and provoke the demonstrators. One settler even approached the barrier to further provoke, warning that there would be another Baruch Goldstein. Baruch Goldstein was an American doctor from Brooklyn, who, in 1994, went into Ibrahimi Mosque during prayers, and massacred twenty-nine people inside the mosque, then went outside to continue the slaughter.
After the massacre inside the Ibrahimi Mosque, Shuhada St. was blocked off to Palestinians completely. In 2000, the street was closed for the “security of the settlers”, including around 500 shops in the middle of the city. After this, due to a lack of traffic, more than 1000 shops were closed. Since then, more than 100 checkpoints have been installed, while settlers not only enjoy the freedom of movement, but also have full protection of the Israeli Military. These settlers have completely changed the lives of some 200,000 Palestinians, reducing their lives to enough of a living hell for roughly 1000 families to abandon their homes.
The protest went from the Shuhada St. closure through the Old City, and met with soldiers, then continued back to the Shuhada St. closure where the protest ended. The spokesperson for Youth Against the Settlements called on the people of the Old City to join in the protest, and thanked all demonstrators for their show of support. As usual, participants were urged to continue the struggle against the divisions of Hebron, as well as the occupation of Palestine.
Over 70 demolition orders have been issued in the Palestinian village of Dahamash, located within Israel's 1948 borders
Sunday evening, two hundred Palestinian, international and Israeli activists demonstrated against the demolition order of 70 houses in the village of Dahamash. Demonstrators marched from the village to the main adjacent road where they concentrated and chanted, demanding the recognition of the village and a stop to the demolition orders.
Residents from Sheikh Jarrah and international and Israeli activists rallied for an hour in solidarity with the villagers of Dahamash. Speeches were given by Nasser Gawi of Sheikh Jarrah and leaders of Dahamash’s community, denouncing the Israel’s racist policy towards Palestinians and claiming their right to live on their lands. In a jovial atmosphere, the internationally-famous Palestinian hip hop group, DAM, gave a concert in which they showed their solidarity with the people of Dahamash, Sheikh Jarrah and all Palestinians.
Dahamash is a small unrecognized village between Lod and Ramlle that existed since before 1948 and was built on privately owned Palestinian land. The state of Israel refuses to recognize the village, claming the land is agricultural land, while in adjacent Jewish villages land is rezoned for building. Now that the Municipality of Ramlle is building a new Jewish neighborhood adjacent to the village, the mayor believes the new Jewish residents will prefer not to have Dahamash residents as neighbors and so has issued 70 demolition orders for houses in the village. If the demolitions proceed, 600 men, women and children will lose their homes.
MA'ASARASome Thirty Palestinians, with Israelis and internationals participated in this week's demonstration in Ma'asara. The marry little bunch marched from the village center towards the stolen lands, and was surprised not to find any soldiers on its way. Passing the regular location of the blockage, demonstrators got closed and closer to the lands, until the first army jeep stormed in and blocked the way. More soldiers and border police soon showed up, and attempts to pass them and move on were frustrated.
One of the members of the popular committee gave a speech against Israeli colonialism, after which soldiers jumped on him and arrested him, then proclaiming the area a closed military zone. After negotiations, demonstrators agreed to take 15 meters back in exchange for the release of the detainee. Surprisingly, the soldiers didn't keep their word. In stead they started proceeding, pushing demonstrators forcefully back into the village, then surrounding them with barbed wire. The demonstrators said they won't leave so long as their friend isn't released, and after another half hour the army took away the wire, and left with the detainee. Several soldiers remained in the area to see the march won't started again, and as the demonstrators realized it would help their friend most if they start taking care of the legal aid, the demonstration ended.
New house demolition threats in Nabi Saleh
In a clear attempt to punish popular resistence in the village or to threat with such punishment, the Israeli army informed to 10 families in Nabi Saleh that their houses are selected for demolition due to "lack of permit". This is a bogus excuse as the houses were built even prior to the beginning of the Israeli 67 occupation and is a clear criminal act of collective punishment. The entire village consists of 87 hosues so this would amount to a destruction of more than 10% of the village!
The orders are said to be executed on the begining of next month.
Join us tomorrow to protest the new threats on activists such as Nariman, Basem, Murad and others.
For rides from Tel Aviv call A.
In Sheikh Jarrah some three hundred demonstrators gathered once again this Friday afternoon. Half arrived directly at the demonstration park, and half got there after marching through Jerusalem and passing through the neighborhood itself. After two hours of drumming, singing and drinking fresh orange juice to break the Jerusalem heat – the demonstration ended peacefully.
Nissim Mossek video of 11-6-10
Sheikh Jarrah in Solidarity with Dahamash
Together against oppression and racism
Dahamash is a small unrecognized village between Lod and Ramlle that existed since before 1948 and was build on privately owned Palestinian land. The state of Israel refuses to recognize the village claming the land is agricultural land, while in adjacent Jewish villages land is rezoned for building.
Now that the Municipality of Ramlle is building a new Jewish neighborhood adjacent to the village, the mayor believes the new Jewish residents will prefer not to have Dahamash residents as neighbors and so has issued 70 demolition orders for houses in the village. 600 men women and children of Dahamash are going to loose their homes if we don't act to stop this!
Like in Sheikh Jarrah, the establishment's discrimination and blunt racism of the government and "justice" system is screaming to the sky in Dahamash.
This Wednesday (13.6) at 5:30 PM we, residents and activists of Sheikh Jarrah, will join the people of Dahamsh in a demonstration ending with a concert of the Palestinian band DAM.
Transportation will leave Jerusalem at 16:00 from the bell garden (Gan Hapa'amon).
Tel-Aviv Fountains Colored with Blood.
During the night, three fountains in Tel-Aviv were colored with bright red color. The Committee Against the Siege who organized the action says: "We made it to remind people in Israel that the siege-policy is only causing bloodshed"
Shocked from the military attack on the civilian flotilla and the murders of at list 9 of its members, activists from the Committee Against the Siege raided three central fountains in Tel Aviv and painted their water blood-red. Next to the fountains, Graffiti was made in protest of the deadly siege on the Gaza Strip.
The Committee Against the Siege reports that: "Since the last four years of the Siege more then 2,600 Palestinians were murdered by the Israeli army, in Bombardments from the sky sea and land. Last week we witnessed how the Israeli army also stretches its hand toward civilian ships in international waters, and also there do not hesitate to kill civilians. The people of Gaza suffer since years from extreme violence and heavy restriction on their freedom of movement. They also lack basic products as wheel chairs, paper and school books, Gasoline for Power-Plants, building materials for the restructuring of the ruins caused by the Israeli attacks and much more. The only solution for the end of this bloodshed is the lifting of the blockade and the end of the occupation through negotiations and not unilateral acts. Tonight we made this action, to remind the public in Israel that in sea or on land, the siege-policy is full of blood.
The army is going to uproot about 60 trees around Abu-Nidal's house in Al-Walaje, including his ancestors' burial area, to clear the way for the Wall.
We need people for the following days (Tuesday to Thursday) both for actual shifts at the place and for standby - people who will be able to get there in about half an hour through SMS call, both in the hours 7:00-13:00.
We need as many people as we can get.
Contact Y
Urgent update 06/08/2010 10:23 AM: the demolition has started about an hour ago, there are some people on their way but if anyone can join them, please let yotam know.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we'll be leaving from Tel-Aviv for a morning shift.
Let me know if you want to join
There will be a meeting this eve 9pm in center west Jerusalem to discuss tomorrow (wednesday) morning's plans, for details or to arrange a ride from Jerusalem in the morning contact y.
This morning, 06/09/2010 09:51 AM during a direct action in al Walaje, two Israeli activists were arrested. As everyone was walking away after the action, a border police officer who knows Mazin and has been harrassing him, singled him out and arrested him. All three are now being held behind the Wall Checkpoint (checkpoint 300) in Bethlehem.
Lawyers are contacted, but Mazin is a Palestinian citzizen who also has US citizenship. If you are a US citizen, please call the US consulate to inquire on his behalf.
For more questions, contact his wife
A group of over 30 demonstrators came to Al-Walaja today at 7am to obstruct the path of a bull dozer working on the construction of the separation wall. Three demonstrators were arrested during the action; the legitimacy of two of the arrests remains in question. Amongst, the arrested was former Yale Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh.
The activists stopped the bulldozer while a few of them chained themselves to it halting work for an hour.
Qumsiyeh was arrested after the demonstrators decided to disperse upon being notified that fellow Israeli activist Yotem Wolfe would not be released. Wolfe had been arrested after being forcibly removed from a bulldozers to which he was chained by the neck. Qumsiyeh, the only Palestinian present at the action, was pulled aside, arrested and taken in for interrogation under the unspecified pretense that he was considered a “security threat.”
Israeli activist Shay Halatzi was also arrested under the allegation of “being rude” by insulting the unit as he protested Dr. Qumsiyeh's detention.
Both arrests occurred after the morning demonstration was over and activists were being forced to leave the area. The soldiers threatened the entire group with arrests, after the group had dispersed from the area where the activists had interrupted the work of the bulldozers for approximately 40 minutes by chaining two activists to the apparatus.
At one point during the demonstration, the Israeli contractor in charge of the site attempted to attack the demonstrators and had to be forcibly restrained by the military.
After being forced by soldiers onto the village roads, the crowd then staged a peaceful sit down demonstration with soldiers not permitting demonstrators to move.
Mazin was released at 14:00 at 300 checkpoint and the Israelis at 16:30 with conditions of restriction from a 500 radius of the wall's construction sites.
This is another stage in the construction of the wall that will completely surround al-wallje. passing up to 5 meter from the houses the wall will separate the village from Jerusalem leaving one exit via tunnel to beit jalla.
we, Israeli ,Palestinian and international activists active in sheikh jarrah, and across Jerusalem and the bank will stand together with the people of the village to fight the land theft and suffocation of the village.
the claim that the wall is a security one was refuted when the person that was in charge with drawing the route-retired colonel Dani Tirza-was hired by the "Givat Yael" company that is planning to build a 14,000 housing units settlement around the village.
Tirza criticized the route writing it takes lands from the planed settlement and that there is no security need for it.
Material with workable links at
See Previous reports at:
Monday, June 7, 2010
Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle against the separation wall and 43 years of occupation
443 ACTIONS - New Beit Nuba
"The Popular Committee Against the Wall & The Coalition Against the Occupation Marking together 43 years of occupation – 43 years too many! Friday, June 4th, 12:30 Convoy and rally near Kherbata village, next to the Apartheid Road - Information on transportation arrangements will follow."
"...The occupation marks its 43rd year, starting June 1967. It has been 43 years of domination, oppression, segregation, settlement enterprise, theft of water and lands, military regime, closures and restrictions on movement, house demolitions, political arrests, torture, one-sided annexation and killing of civilians. 43 years of war crimes and colonial expansion...."
".... On the June 4th demonstration we will focus on one case which embodies the entire history of the occupation:
The villages Yalu, Amuas and Bet-Nuba in the Latrun enclave were completely destroyed by the Israeli army during the occupation in June 1967. On some of their lands settlements such as Mavo Horon were built; other lands became the Canada Park, where Israeli citizens spend their leisure time...."
"...For many years the uprooted residents of the three villages - the majority of live today in the villages around the road 443, used to convene on these lands on the 4th of June. Since the erection of the Separation Wall the land which used to be their home is now forbidden for visitation.
"In the 90s thousands of dunams were expropriated from the residents of these villages under the pretense that the road will serve them as a major route to Ramllah. However, the road is closed to Palestinian vehicles for years. The Supreme Court has ordered to open a section of the road, in a way that will not enable easy access to Ramallah through the checkpoints of Bitunia or Kalandia. The opened road will hence lead to nowhere.
In our joint rally on June 4th we will raise our voice against the policy of expropriation and segregation and call together for life in dignity, equality and freedom."
Friday demo
One hundred and fifty Israelis joined about a thousand Palestinian demonstrators to commemorate 43 years of occupation in New Beit Nuba Friday. Coordinated by the popular committees in the West Bank and the Coalition against the Occupation the demonstration focused on the right of return of the those internally displaced Palestinians from the villages of Yalu, Amuas and Beit Nuba, which were demolished to the ground by Israel in 1967, and on the demand to open the Apartheid Road 443 for Palestinians.
Following the noon prayer the demonstration marched towards the fence which separates New Beit Nuba from the lands of the demolished villages, on top of which now lay the illegal settlement of Mavo Horon and the Canada Park. Amongst the demonstrators was also MK Hanin Zoabi, who has just returned from the Free Gaza Flotilla. Once demonstrators reached the first fence, that protects the Separation Fence itself, they started decorating it with Palestinian flags, and chanted slogans against the fence and for the founding of true peace.
Several minutes later some demonstrators managed to break the gate in the fence and approach the Apartheid Fence itself, decorating it too with flags. At this point the twenty or so soldiers present attacked the demonstration with repeated rounds of tear gas. The greater part of the demonstration retreated, and few stayed an hour longer for a game of catch with stones and gas.
Israel Puterman video
On Sunday June 6th, A group of Palestinians, Israelis and internationals demonstrate against the building of the Wall in Beit Jala, 06.06.2010. This week, the demonstrators honored the dead of the flotilla to Gaza, by carrying a mock coffins, and flags from different nationalities. The demonstrators managed to surprise the Israeli soldiers by taking another route. After being stopped, they managed to get through and reached the bulldozers which are now working only a few meters from Palestinian homes. As soon as the demonstrators reached the bulldozers, the Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters directly at them. The soldiers then violently pushed back the demonstrators to the road. One Israeli activist was arrested.
He was released after long detention at the late evening with 5 days restriction from Beit Jalla.
"There will be a demo tomorrow in Beit Omar, if you wish to join please contact me. D."
"Jamie, a British national, was arrested today during a demonstration in Beit Ommar. While the main group of Palestinians were prevented from participating, a small group including PSP activists and national committee members walked through the fence that was cut open in a previous demonstration and marched along Route 60 (not stopping traffic), carrying Turkish and Palestinian flags. They were soon corralled into an area in front of a shop where they stopped and made speeches of solidarity with the people on the Freedom Flotilla, the recently stopped Rachel Corrie boat, as well as the 3 people injured and 2 killed by settlers in the last week in the Hebron area. As they made their way back into the village, the large military presence following them, they stopped to hold their flags in front of the Israeli military tower at the entrance to Beit Ommar. One international, supported by Palestinian participants, climbed the wall and stuck a Palestinian flag on the structure surrounding the tower. After marching a few more feet, he was pulled out of the crowd and arrested.
He is being accused of assaulting a soldier, though there is videotape showing him standing holding a poster seconds before he is grabbed and thrown to the ground by three soldiers.
He will be appearing in the Russian Compound court tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Please let me know if you can be there"
About 10 Israelis and over 20 internationals joined a larger than usual weekly Palestinian demonstration against the land & naval blockade on Palestinian communities that Israel implements by means of fences and bullets. Due to the blockade getting into Bil'in was trickier than usual with many entries blocked by mobile checkpoints, covering both entries to Kufr Naama. The demonstration was led by a model of the Marmara mounted on a car and staffed by demonstrators, surrounded by enthusiastic singing and chanting. When the procession reached the fence, demonstrators dressed up as pirates and waving a black-and-white Israeli/army/pirate flag charged the ship in an enactment of the flotilla raid, but failed to take over. The Israeli soldiers, obviously keen on a more realistic reenactment of the raid, flooded the area with gas and stormed in right after someone called through a loudspeaker that the demonstration was not violent and no repression was necessary. Several demonstrators and journalists were injured by the soldiers who tried to grab them and by the gas. Three were arrested: a 73 years old Israeli demonstrator (me I.S. - who spent the afternoon being examined in a hospital and then released), the local Palestinian who had been shot in his leg while cuffed and blindfolded (and who was arrested and released more times than anyone cares to remember), and one of the organizers of the flotilla, the Palestinian citizen of Israel Howeyda Arraf (for whom this was the second arrest in three days). The army's weapons set fire to some olive trees, and was extinguished by Palestinian firemen in purple camouflage.
Y. P.:
"I would like to add a little more to Hagai's report about what happened before and after the demonstration, regarding the encounters with the Israeli Army.
In the morning the Israeli Army detained several cars for half an hour at the entrance from 443 to Hirebta, when we were on the way to new Beit Nuba. The soldiers took IDs and took face photos, one by one, with an Apple IPhone. They probably also took pictures of the number of the vehicles. The soldiers warned us that we were allegedly doing something illegal by crossing the barrier, and warned us that we should not enter. There was also a sign there that says: "Israeli? You got here by mistake? Go back!" or something like that if I'm not mistaken, it is some sign to warn every Israeli to go back.
On the way back from the demo in the afternoon, those who did not continue to Jerusalem and returned to Tel Aviv saw that the barrier we came from was blocked, So we returned to Tel Aviv through the Ni’lin checkpoint. The soldiers detained us at Ni'lin after a car drove fast through the checkpoint and refused to stop, apparently a settler who did not understand why the soldiers suddenly stop vehicles there. My car was followed and stopped by the soldiers. I told the soldier that we are stopping, not like that one. The soldier immediately asked: "Are you on our side or their side?" Apartheid law clearly.
I tried to explain to the soldier that we came from the settlement of Nili and visited friends there, but the soldier asked about the shirt I was wearing, a Flotilla solidarity shirt. The soldiers decided to detain my car and another vehicle at the checkpoint. The soldier who asked earlier "Are you on our side or their side?" insisted to question us about our political views, our opinions, and he asked in particular if we are for or against the rally. I told the soldier about visiting friends in the settlement of Nili and that we never heard of any demonstration. I tried to explain that all other day I pass through checkpoints and had never been stopped. He asked again about the shirt, so I told him it was from Tel-Aviv.
The soldier insisted that he suspected we were all in the demonstration areas and tried to get a confession out of us: "I just want to you tell me where you were? If you protested, say it, that's all." The soldier hinted that if we face it, he would free us. My car had another activist with a shirt: "Want peace? Stop supporting the Army Now!" the activist said to the soldier that he had no authority to detain us. One of the soldiers insisted that they have all the authority to hold us up and that they have much and many more power. The soldier said he had all the power here to do what he wants.
Things began to look grim, and it seemed like the soldiers were looking for an excuse to raise the level of violence with the activist detainees. The soldiers consulted among themselves and it seemed like they haven’t decided what to do with us. They did not say how long they will detain us, and I think they were looking for an excuse to take us aside and beat us up or something. When we saw the soldiers were not going to let us go, I told the officer that I work for the ministry of education in the Israeli court and also for an Attorneys office – and I demanded him to call police to handle us. The soldier did not answer, so I asked several times what about calling the police? The soldier ignored me and talked on the phone, so I asked him again: "Are you speaking with the police on the phone right now?" He said no, so I told him we are the ones who are going to call the police! Shortly after that the soldiers decided to release our car and another vehicle that they inhibited.
This non important little incident shows again that the fascist soldiers and police officers arrest people by the shirts they wear, according to their opinions, according to which side they are on, while trying to intimidate and deter anyone who has a different opinion. The deterrence in Israel is not for preventing the expression of opinions, but also by trying to prevent people from having a different belief. The violence today is terrible and I'm sure it will increase much more."
Video of the demo:
"A demonstration supporting the break the siege flotilla will be held tomorrow, Monday, 31.5.10 in front of Ashdod port."
"The army took over the flotilla and, according to the press, killed 10 people and injured dozens. We will leave Tel Aviv Gan Lewinski at 11:00, and 10:00 from Jerusalem near the location of the Comity Against houses Demolition at King George 14."
About 200 Israelis came to the demo on the shore near the entrance of ships to the port.
During the few hours we demonstrated there we could see the smaller yachts escorted to the port.
More details and pictures at:
Evening demos at:
Jerusalem: 19:00 Paris square
Haifa: 19:00 Al-Jabal/Al-Carama intersection
Tel-Aviv: 19:00 In front of the war ministry compound at Kaplan Street
About two thousands converged at Tel-Aviv in front of the war ministry compound.
M. C. was arrested during today's big demo in Tel-Aviv, against the Flotilla massacre.
He will be brought in front of a judge tomorrow morning, 9:00, at HaShalom court in Tel-Aviv (Weizmann corner of Shaul Hamelech).
Come to show solidarity,
Demonstration, tomorrow Wednesday June 2nd, at 6:00pm in front of Beer Sheva prison:
Wednesday 2.6.10 Beersheba demo at
Release the peace activists trying to help Gaza!
for more information and transportation:
Jerusalem - D.
Tel Aviv - Ya.
Beer Sheva - Ye.
5/31: Israeli Massacre of Activists on Freedom Flotilla - RAW VIDEO
The video was lived from the "Freedom Flotilla convoy" by TV reporters boat when Israel commando storm, attack, shooting and killing peace activist at the ship. On the video you can see the horror when Israel forces circling and shooting bullets to the ship, dead and wounded caring across the cabin. Israeli Massacre of Activists on Freedom Flotilla - RAW VIDEO&newsId=767&filename=1275381047968&ext=flv
"Demonstration in solidarity with Freedom Flotilla - Saturday 3pm
Let’s stand together to honor the Freedom Flotilla martyrs and to
lift the siege on Gaza.
In honor of those killed by the Israeli military on the Freedom Flotilla,
for all those who organised it and participated in it, and in memory of 43
years of occupation, Youth Against settlements invites you to participate
in our weekly demonstration.
Where: the Old Municipality Square, Hebron
When: 3pm on Saturday 5th June
Youth Against Settlements organizes a weekly demonstration as part of the
ongoing struggle to open Shuhada street and win freedom of movement for
Palestinians in Hebron. Israelis and internationals participate in this
demonstration in solidarity with the demand to end the occupation.
The Israeli occupation forces closed Shuhada street in 1994 after the
Ibrahimi Mosque massacre and Palestinian automobiles have not been
allowed to use it since. After that, in 2000, Palestinians were forbidden
from walking in Shuhada Street, supposedly for the security of 600 Israeli
settler occupying the heart of Hebron.
The Israeli army has also closed 500 shops in the city and their policies
and practices have forced the closure of more than 1000 other shops.
The occupation of Hebron has turned the lives of 200,000 Palestinians into
a living hell.
Let’s raise our voices and demand the end of occupation and the lifting of
the siege on Gaza.
Let’s stand together to honor the victims of the Flotilla.
Youth Against settlements."
On Saturday June 5th in Hebron, around 60 demonstrators protested in solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla victims and against the severe Israeli apartheid and freedom of movement violations in the city and throughout Palestine. Some demonstrators were carrying a boat with many flags and on top of it 2 kids held a coffin covered with the Turkish flag and written over "human rights" and "justice". After some speeches and chantings, the demonstrators turned to march as usual through the allies of the old city but were soon blocked by dozens of Israeli soldiers, which refused to explain their discriminatory behavior, allowing settlers to march just an hour earlier. To avoid further army violence and arrests, the demonstration was declared over.
this Friday demo will carry the solidarity with all the victims of the solidarity flotilla people who were killed by the Israeli terrorist occupation forces in the international water we call all the people to come and to participate in the demo of AL-Ma'sara village we need creative ideas connected to the event that happened to the sheep's. People who are interest in creative ideas can join us Thursday night at the community center or Friday early in the morning to prepare everything for the demo.
Mahmoud Zwahra
Al-Ma'sara village - Bethlehem - Palestine
On Friday June 4th a short demonstration was held in Nabi Saleh due to a village mourning. The Israeli army raided immediately into the village and blocked its main intersection, forbidding any vehicle to pass through. After an hour of clashes with the army, demonstrators had gone home or to console the mourning family. Nevertheless, Israeli army soldiers remained in their newly claimed post hours after, harassing the local community. One Israeli demonstrator was arrested for simply talking to the soldiers.
David Reeb Friday 28.5.10 video on
The Friday afternoon demonstration was the pick of the joint struggle at the neighborhood.
As usual it draw few hundred demonstrators including activists of the AAtW and the radical left, and also people of the Zionist left. The loose coalition expanded the struggle to demonstrations in other cities an a new initiative as follows:
"Sheikh Jarrah in Solidarity with Dahamash - Together against oppression and racism
Dahamash is a small unrecognized village between Lod and Ramlle that existed since before 1948 and was build on privately owned Palestinian land. The state of Israel refuses to recognize the village claiming the land is agricultural land, while in adjacent Jewish villages land is rezoned for building.
Now that the Municipality of Ramlle is building a new Jewish neighborhood adjacent to the village, the mayor believes the new Jewish residents will prefer not to have Dahamash residents as neighbors and so has issued 70 demolition orders for houses in the village. 600 men women and children of Dahamash are going to loose their homes if we don't act to stop this!
Like in Sheikh Jarrah, the establishment's discrimination and blunt racism of the government and "justice" system is screaming to the sky in Dahamash.
This Wednesday (9.6) we, residents and activists of Sheikh Jarrah, will join the people of Dahamsh in a demonstration ending with a concert of the Palestinian band DAM.
Transportation will leave Jerusalem at 16:00 from the bell garden (Gan Hapa'amon)."
The demonstration to commemorate the 43 years of occupation and struggle against it, draw few thousands participants of the left, including the Zionist left.
An anarchist block with our flags, banners and chants included those of us who were not lost in the big crowd. According to media, this demo included 6 thousands participants. The theme and the bigger than usual number of participants were because of the combined protest of the 43 of occupation and the harassment of the Gaza flotilla.