Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The low tide of the joint struggle continue on the background of the general disillusion

The high tide of the social struggle in the world at large and in our region just two years ago with lot of hopes gave way to disillusions. The joint direct action in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Ma'asara, Beit Ummar, Shaikh Jarrah diminished in size. Contributing to it the stick and carrot policy of the Israeli occupation system. The significant increase of work permits to Palestinians within Israel and lax policy towards the "illegal Palestinians" who work in it, contributed its share. The strict policy of the corrupt Palestinian authority do not promote hope and militancy in the grass root nor among the Israeli radical people. The hope in approaching radical change due to international pressure on Israel and the low tide in both the general social struggle and the Palestinian arena diminished the numbers an energy of activists involved with the Israeli anarchists against wall initiative. Just a glimpse of hope bring the emerging of the Israeli anarchist communist Ahdut (unity) group I joined lately


Friday weekly demonstration with a smaller participation. The only flag carried in it was the red and black flag held by me which was accepted with sympathy of all participants. One Palestinian got injured and the another Palestinian photographer was arrested after the Israeli occupation force take his camera !

Nabi Saleh Solidarity

Activists report that today's demonstration took place in the rain. Despite the wet weather, residents of Nabi Saleh including men, women and children, along with Israeli and International supporters attempted to march to the spring which has been illegally annexed by Israeli settlers. During the demonstration, demonstrators also managed to open the large yellow iron gate that the Israeli military has installed in 2000 at one of the entrances of the village. For the first time in 13 years cars were able to pass via this entrance in and out of the village. As usual the IOF actively sought to repress the demonstration and at least one person has been detain/arrested - Helmy, a Palestinian photographer/cameraman from the village.


The Friday demonstration was smaller than usual because of Holiday, olive harvest, rain, and a funeral in the village.
The road to the village was closed hermetically by the Israeli state forces. The army tried to block even the round about dirt road. But, all wisecracks of the IOF could not prevent those who fight the oppression from manifesting it. With the help of our Palestinian partners we arrived - a large group of international and a handful of Israelis in spite the, jeeps and other means of oppressed.
At the begin the occupation army was hiding. Shortly after the demo began to march lot of them equipped from head to toe, came from every direction behind the houses and from the hills and shot barrage of tear gas grenades.
Gray was yesterday in Qaddum, both the rain clouds, the tear gas, the smoke burning tires igniting by the shabab. These painted the village gray but not in any way decreased the determination if the village people to continue the struggle and fight for righteousness, against the oppression, expropriation of their lands, and the breach of the fundamental right of travel.
The demonstration ended without injuries or detainees.
Odai Qaddomi·

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes.


Don’t say we didn’t know #385

On Saturday, 12th October, 2013, Palestinians from Qaryut (near the settlements Shilo and Eli) went to harvest their olives. At a certain point, settlers arrived nearby. They summoned the IDF, who arrived and declared the area a closed military zone, and then forced the harvesters to leave their land.

The next day, the same farmers went to harvest their olives, this time supported by international volunteers. Again, settlers came and summoned soldiers, who again distanced the harvesters from their lands. When the farmers went to a nearby plot – declared the previous day as being alright for harvest by the soldiers – they, the Palestinian harvesters, were removed by the soldiers from that plot, too, following the settlers’ demands.

On 19th October, 2013, at 3:00 a.m., settlers invaded the olive groves of Qaryut, and badly damaged some 70 olive trees.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:

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