Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Palestine-Israel, Israel attack on Gaze ending with a defeat of its arrogant power show*

Israel started the attack on the Hamas to sabotage the Hamas compromise with the west bank authority, and restore a weakened Hamas independent rule in the Gaza strip. Hamas compromise was a response to Egyptian closer intended to dismantle the Hamas. The failed Israeli attack will force it to contribute its share to significantly open the closer of the border between Israel and the Gaza strip which was till the attack based on the bare minimal on the margin of humanitarian catastrophe. Whatever the details of the new cease fire and arrangements, the failure of Israel vicious assault to stop the Hamas from firing rockets on Israel is a significant "game changer". The failed attack on Gaza and the continuing popular struggle in the west bank are hastening the international pressures to end the occupation of the West bank and the closer of the Gaza strip.


As usual, Bil'in weekly demonstration took place today after the noon time prayers. About 20 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall initiative and more than a dozen internationals joined the Bil'iners and a group of the neighboring village Safa. The special theme of the demonstration today was against the newest slaughters in Gaza and the killing by an Israeli sniper a youth of the nearby village in a last week demo there against the slaughters in Gaza. The Israeli army was particularly brutal in their repression of today's demonstration. The army attacked the protests with tear gas long before we even reached the wall. After their failed attempt to disperse us by shooting from behind the wall, They invaded with their jeeps the Bil'in lands freed only 3 years ago and started shooting tear gas from them. Many of us suffered from suffocation and temporary blindness as a result.

Nabi Saleh

08/08/2014 As the ceasefire in Gaza was violated, resulting in more Palestinian casualties, the people of Nabi Saleh marched in solidarity with Gaza, calling to lift the siege and protesting the massacre. Over 1800 Palestinians were killed so far, about a quarter of them children. The IOF attempted to disperse the march with barrages of tear gas canisters and rubber coated steel bullets. No major injuries reported.
Haim Schwarczenberg https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.580957525357279.1073741964.202358256550543
David Reeb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8CXUzkQ0KI


8-8-2014At the weekly kufr qaddum demo against the Israeli occupation, against the siege and attacks on Gaza, demanding to open the village's Road!
Over 200 unarmed dedicated demonstrators participated.
Today's first contact: snipers shoot two demonstrators in the leg and the back with silenced tutu bullets.seems Israel has a new widespread policy of firing at unarmed protesters.
Later shot a third protester. Also bombarded us with abrupt thick barrages of tear gas.
The shabab responded with some rocks and a lovely tire fire.
After two hours we dispersed.

Sheikh Jarrah

Friday protest, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=905796922768657&set=ms.c.eJyzNDA1tzQzNzMyN7MwMzfWs4TwzS1NjE2NjS2gfEsjsLypOQDr2gnS.bps.at.905796632768686.1073741937.100000150737581.625284013.100001008382622

Tel Aviv

Saturday 2.8.2014 Police try prevent protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza, in center TA
yisraelpnm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Z9jfBimTE
David Reeb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAozGYURWac

Saturday 9.8.2014 protest against the massacre in Gaza, 8:00pm Taken at Rabin Squareץ Israeli radical activists staged a demonstration against the massacre in Gaza after the police revoked the permit given to a protest organized by Zionist-leftist groups ad parties. Despite the ban, a few hundred protesters came to Rabin square in Tel Aviv, calling for the end of the siege and end the bloodshed.
Haim Schwarczenberg https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.581568555296176.1073741965.202358256550543
David Reeb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOfVAeMSmts


Sunday 3-8-14 Demonstration against Israel war on the Gaza strip.
* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:
http://awalls.org http://ilan.shalif.com/anarchy/glimpses/glimpses.html

Ahdut (Unity) blog: http://unityispa.wordpress.com/
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle http://www.anarkismo.net/article/27019

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