Thursday, December 9, 2004

Palestine-Israel, Budrus, Ahmed Awwad is Free 9/12/04

Just freed from administrative detention Ahmed Awad who is one of the prominent activists in the nonviolent struggle against the Apartheid Wall/fence (intended in the name of "security" to annex Palestinian areas to Israel). The lame effort of the Israeli security agencies to present him as serious terrorist failed - mainly because of wide scale struggle of israli activists who know him from joint actions. See: (en) Palestine-Israel, Budrus, Lessons in popular resistance or We are all Ahmed Awwad by kobi snitz* (en) Palestine-Israel, Budrus action report 07.12.04 - by kerem: Our right to protest - the struggle against the fence continues

To see the call to action by the ism; or the story by amira hass. Also, the story of the demonstration for Awad and another story about the demonstration 21:00 Indymedai has just learned that Ahmed awad is out of prison and on his way home. more details tomorrow.
* The Anarchists Against The Wall initiative is a prominent factor in the joint Israeli-Palestinian struggles along the rote of the fence.

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